Friday, December 5, 2008

ETC '08 - year in review 'optimistic nutshell'

In essence, the Ecovillage Training Center is little more than an educational homestead in an intentional community run as a non-profit business.  We are, at most, farm hands and teachers, helping to improve the homestead while providing ourselves and others like us with educating and edifying opportunities.  The 'ecovillage' itself is The Farm at large.  There exists a true village, and thus far, here at the ETC is enacted a training center entertaining transitory, spontaneous communities.  The true blessing of the entire place is its recognition as a place of benevolent outreach and perennial challenging of the dominant paradigm.  The Ecovillage Training Center is an integral player in The Farm's continued contributions to the creation of a culture of peace, self-reliance, and heartiness.  All the heart work that this year's crew has put in on the homestead has paid off mightily.  We scratched out a profit at times amidst economic turmoil, gave unparalleled courses, and greatly influenced the lives of many bright individuals.  The site has gained an incredible amount of embedded attentive energy, and yet still struggles to maintain itself in a state of negentropy.  We provided permaculture by merely entering our stalwart, idealist energies into a model provided to us by years of tweeking a mold carved out by countless instructors and ecovillagers from years prior.  The same model in previous years had produced some lack-luster results, yet still proved valuable enough to persist into the next season.  We now believe it is due time that some changes be made to the business model to both improve our efficacy in our mission and our business, and to improve the lives of those of us who have chosen to make our livelihoods maintaining and improving the Ecovillage Training Center.   More on that later... stay tuned.


  1. I met the crew after Holenwohl, in July; I stayed overnight at the village. I met you and Greg and a sparkling younger lady with dark eyes and dark hair. I jsut wanted to say right on brother Wade keep up the good works.
    I have begun one greenhouse and plan on three others. They are 10x12 kits and quite roomy. My dilemma is how to heat for winter?
    I have Thomas and Greg's phone numbers and do want to re-visit soon. My co-worker gardener friend Rachel, wants to visit the Farm for the 1st time.
    Could you find time for us before the end of the year or at the start of the year to stay overnight so we can see what is going on with you?

  2. Hey Terry, If you haven't been in contact with them yet I suggest you email them at ecovillage (at) thefarm (dot) org.
    Or call (931) 964-4474

    Last year was an amazing time of growth and transformation at the ETC. From our first course, the almost overly-attended Natural Building Fundamentals, until our last, the independent production Advanced Permaculture Courses, it really was an outstanding year by a fairly novice crew...

    Keep postin brotha!

  3. Thanks ya all I have the green houses in operation and I have found even in the heart of the Winter Ice storm that Kale, Spinach and Radishes grow.
    Indiana and Western Kentucky is still picking up two months later what Mother Nature brought us in a ten hour period in late January.
    Kentucky state officials say that it is the most expensive storm of the Century.
    I now have plants coming out and into square box gardening plots.
    I recommend that anyone who has ever thought about your food safety and supply purchase a greenhouse. I have a garden close by my two, and it has been organic since 1999. I have a few friends that are impressed by my efforts, even the local neighbors are starting to visit and comment.
    I live at a rural location that is close to two creeks and has 9acres, I have to drive a few minutes before I see other houses.
    I just love to garden, and I have been a vegetarian/holistic healer for about 15 years now. I can't wait to get a chance to visit the FARM and see all that has changed.
    I hope people realize how special the FARM and the people are.
    I owned a vegetarian restaurant here in South West Indiana in 1999 to 2001. It amazes me how the culture and the people have changed in just a few short years. It is good and makes my heart happy to see many in this area taking such an interest in the environment and being conscious about where and what food they buy and eat.
    Just a few short years ago it took a long drive to Bloomington or Indianapolis to find items that are in abundance and at local markets and health food stores now.
    Wow! Keep up the good works, I only have good thoughts and memories of the FARM. Thanks!
    Blessings and Peace!
